The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are so contradictory that in the initial stages of the disease, an incorrect diagnosis is often made and a completely different disease is treated. But over time, clearer signs appear and it becomes clear that the cause of the ailments is damage to the spine. Spondylosis of the neck is insidious due to its gradual development, so many patients for a long time do not even suspect that they have been at risk for a long time.
The disease can be caused by congenital or acquired trauma, heredity, physical overload, poor posture and excess weight. Each case has its own individual cause for the formation of this disease.
Stages of development of cervical osteochondrosis

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis depend on the stage in which the patient is. At each stage of spondylosis, they manifest in a different way. There are four stages in total.
- First stage. There is initial destruction and loss of elasticity of the intervertebral discs. It can be accompanied by aching pain in the neck, but sometimes there is just a temporary discomfort that few people pay attention to.
- Second stage. The intervertebral spaces decrease and the annulus fibrosus breaks down. Severe pain becomes constant due to a pinched nerve root. The manifestations of the disease become pronounced, and the treatment of the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis most often begins at this stage. It is necessary to start doing exercises for cervical osteochondrosis.
- Third stage. Complete destruction of the annulus fibrosus is observed. Intervertebral hernias and significant deformation of the spine appear. Migraines, nausea, dizziness and numbness of the limbs are common.
- Fourth stage. Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine become advanced and manifest as sharp pain attacks with any movement. Bony growths are formed, which limit movement.
The main symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis
Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and their treatment will largely depend on the stage and neglect of spondylosis and the patient's state of health; at all stages they are completely different.
The most characteristic manifestations of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine are:
- severe headache in the back of the head, temples, crown of the head;
- dizziness, fainting;
- severe pain radiating to arms and shoulders;
- impaired coordination and vision;
- throbbing pain in brow ridges, temples;
- change in voice timbre, hoarse voice, snoring;
- painful attacks radiating to chest;
- pain in the heart resembling angina pectoris;
- painful toothache;
- numbness of the face, fingers;
- breathing problems, nausea, eye and heart pain;
- memory impairment and reduced intelligence;
- pain in the neck, forearm, hand;
- noise in the ears;
- numbness of the limbs, weakness, chills.
Main syndromes of cervical spondylosis
Cervical osteochondrosis can appear in different forms in different patients. Doctors have combined such symptoms into clinical syndromes.
Cardiac syndrome
It has symptomatic features similar to angina pectoris. Because of this similarity, there is a serious risk of failing to treat cardiac ischemia instead of cervical spondylosis. It is characterized by irritation of the nerve roots of the thoracic region or the phrenic nerve. This syndrome is accompanied by prolonged paroxysmal pain. Tachycardia and extrasystole are observed. But the cardiogram shows no abnormalities.
Irritative-reflex syndrome
It is always accompanied by a burning, unbearable pain in the cervical-occipital region, especially sharp on movement. The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis manifested by this syndrome consist of severe pain in the shoulder and chest.
Radicular syndrome
More commonly known as cervical sciatica. It occurs when the nerve endings of the cervical spine are compressed. When nerve root compression occurs, the pain threshold descends from the neck down to the shoulder blades, moving to the shoulder, forearm and fingers. Possible pastiness, tingling, goosebumps.
Vertebral artery syndrome
The patient begins to suffer from a burning, throbbing headache in the region of the eyebrows, the crown of the head, the back of the head, and the temples; it can be constant or paroxysmal. If the immune system is weakened, dizziness, nausea and possible fainting occur. Hearing acuity decreases, noise is heard in the ears, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus is impaired. Sometimes there is a significant decrease in vision.
Cervicothoracic spondylosis
The symptoms of cervico-thoracic osteochondrosis are very similar to cervical spondylosis. But the peculiarity of this complication is that it is often misdiagnosed. It is usually confused with angina pectoris or vegetative-vascular dystonia. Unfortunately, many patients have to take useless drugs until it turns out that the cause of serious diseases is thoracic osteochondrosis.
It is characterized by painful attacks similar to intercostal neuralgia, cardiac ischemia or cholecystitis or gastritis. Body movements are very difficult, the patient is afraid to breathe deeply.
Symptoms of cervico-thoracic osteochondrosis
The symptoms of cervico-thoracic osteochondrosis also have their own characteristics, the treatment of which differs little from the general principles of the therapy of this disease. The main manifestations of this pathology:
- asthenic syndrome;
- migraine attacks;
- jump in blood pressure;
- lack of coordination;
- double vision or stars in the eyes;
- vertigo;
- pain in the neck, chest, heart;
- numbness and coldness in the fingers;
- pain in the arms, shoulders, along the ribs;
- constant tinnitus.
Many patients think that the manifestation of the disease consists only in constant pain, but this is not so. Dangerous complications leading to disability can occur. Advanced osteochondrosis leads to protrusion of the cervical spine, hernia, intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis and complete deformation of the fingers.
Therefore, if you periodically experience pain of various types or the symptoms listed above are familiar to you, immediately seek qualified help.